That's what I feel like these days.
Depressed? No, not really. Well, maybe just a little bit. I don't know, I just feel anxious all the time, waiting for something to happen, whether good or bad. I need some excitement in my life. I'm actually looking forward to the new semester starting because it will finally give me something to do. For those of you who wish you could just stay at home all the time, let me tell ya, it ain't all it's cracked up to be. Sure, for the first couple months it's okay, but after that it's bum city....
Especially since I don't have a job at the moment, that has somewhat added to my depressed state. It's so freakin' frustrating to submit resume after resume...and nothing. Talk about a shot to your self confidence.
Sorry if I am bumming you guys out, it's late, I can't sleep, my allergies are driving me nuts, and my 2 1/2 year old son has decided that I have no authority over him whatsoever. Not to mention I'm sweating bullets right now, despite numerous fans and air conditioning. Sometimes I feel like I sweat more than the average person, well, the average girl at least. Yay, lucky me.
Wow, I sound so cynical right now. I forgot to mention, I took some allergy medicine, and for some reason it always makes me act like a complete b*tch. My boyfriend always has to suffer through it too, poor guy :P
Anyways, as the title suggests, once again I am attempting to revamp my blog. I know I am constantly doing this and I'm sorry if it frustrates you. Maybe one of the reasons I keep doing this is because it's really the only thing I have control over. How sad.
So I am going to be completely rehauling the entire look and layout, adding a reply button to comments, figuring out new styles for photographs, adding my formspring back, and whatever else I can come up with. I think I'm going to go for the more simplistic style, with the focus on more of the banner, and keep the rest simple, sometimes all the colors I use give me a headache :P Any suggestions? Let me know. So if you see my blog looking really weird and funky, or constantly changing in the next few days, don't worry, it isn't your computer acting weird, it's me :)
I'm sure I'll be back to my usual self soon...hopefully. In the mean time, thanks for all your guys' support, I really do love blogging and I appreciate each and every one of you!
Diet Update: Another reason for my depression? My diet and exercise routine, or rather, the lack thereof. I started out pretty good, exercising and watching what I ate, but then I got really lazy again and fell off the wagon already. I'm attempting to jump back on, but it's difficult. Ugh, I hate feeling this way....... :(