Have you ever felt comfortable with the way you looked until one day you happened to catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, or perhaps see a picture of yourself and go "whoaaa, is that really how I look?!? Well for some reason that seems to be happening a lot to me lately. It seems that every photo I take makes me feel like a whale and all my clothes look horrible on me. And to top it off, the other day my boyfriend and I were having an argument and he actually called me fat! Now, before everyone starts jumping on his case, I just have to say that he is normally the sweetest most sensitive guy and is always telling me how beautiful I am and that I'm not fat....but he gets so tired of me complaining that he decided to throw that at me in the heat of the moment (but he didn't really mean it). Anyways, I am always trying to diet and exercise but let's face it, I don't exactly have the best willpower, as I'm typing this I'm eating a bowl of Rocky Road ice cream. Weak, much?
So I thought that maybe if I made a new diet and exercise routine and updated it on my blog, it would keep me more motivated because than you guys would be judging me if I didn't stick to it, haha :P But seriously, I'm hoping that this will help, so please keep me on track guys! And I know there are some of you who will say that I don't need to lose weight, which I know I'm not fat per se, but I have definitely gained a lot of weight since I gave birth to my son, which was almost 3 years ago, which is more than enough time for me to have lost it by now. And since being home with him for more than half that time, my body has become less toned and more flabby. Especially in the stomach area, which due to my Caesarian section, has become an unsightly gross....blob.
So please please help and support me guys! Share any tips, tricks, or anything that you guys know, have used, or experiences you've gone through. Ideally, I would like to lose about 10-12lbs, although the exact number doesn't matter, as long as I see a difference. School will be starting in about a month and a half and I would like to be a little more fit by than, and I am also considering taking some sort of fitness or body conditioning class (except that I hate working out in front of people!)
I'm going to do weekly updates on my progress and let you guys know how I'm doing. I don't think I'm going to do a specific diet or exercise routine, just try to cut back on fatty foods, drink more water, exercise daily, etc. If anyone would like to join me in my quest, feel free to share you progress with me!
Here are a few pictures of me way back when I was skinny in high school - ultimately I would like to reach that weight again
Sorry for the crappy photos, these were all I could find, but you can tell my face and arms were a lot thinner...and check out my non existent eyebrows!

And now.... : (
Wish me luck girls!

i really don't see the difference hon between high school and now. i say you look a lot better now! i wrote a few diet logs on what i ate before i failed xD basically drink tons of water and tea (unsweetened), stay away from sugar and too much carbs if you can, eat soy for protein and stuff your face with veggies! that stuff gets flushed right out of you so you don't gain weight :)
i'm too lazy and atrophied to work out right now but i should. once school starts again i'm definitely hitting the gym more and going back on a diet to stay fit.
i dont' really diet, i just cut down on the junk food and soft drinks... i just set up an exercise routine to help burn more fat and energy that's all :) But yes drink water instead of juice or soft drinks
I think you look good =D But I understand, I feel that way right now too, I have not hit the gym in almost 1 year! Im gonna start again today, not to lose weight but to feel better =D
Liana-- yes if you don't feel as good about youself as you want to feel, you should start working out and start eating healthy. It doesn't really matter what anybody else says, your opinion should be the most important. I think you look fine, but if doing this will make you happier I'd say go for it!!
I eat everything, but in moderations and small portions. If you're too strict with your diet, you'll eventually fall off the wagon. I was thinking about rejoining the gym. I haven't been in awhile. I think 24hour has free enrollment. :)
Good luck!
Awww Liana sorry he said that! I know exactly what you mean though.. even if we think something about ourselves, it hurts to hear someone ELSE voice it to us. My dad called me fat all the time in h.s., and it stuck with me since so I always think I'm a fatass. BUT, it's good motivation for me. If no one else called me fat, I would never be motivated to try to stay thin and I would think it's OK for me to be chubby, which it's not.
I think it's a great idea for you to be proactive and make some changes so that you feel better. No one likes to be in a rut. Keep us all posted, and we will def cheer you on!
I'd def like to see what you plan to do, and I could borrow some tips from you!
I think you look GREAT! I too cant get enough of ice cream! It makes me HAPPY!!!
yay ice cream is a must regardless on diet or not! ^^
xoxo elle
yeah a lot of nude lipsticks look too light on us so we have to add colour with gloss xD
I agree with everyone else, you look great! But nonetheless, good luck! I'm feeling the same way as you are. Time for change!
your pics are so cute! good luck on getting in shape i feel the same way, started a low carb diet this week hehe
I think you look great now! But I guess it can't hurt to improve yourself, I definitely need to work out!
And to answer your question, I'm Chinese :) I'm horrible with figuring out ethnicities too haha
thanks for all your support and tips girls! yeah its so hard sticking to a particular diet and exercise routine, so i am trying to just mix things up so i dont give up so quickly.
@sophia: i seriously doubt you were fat in high school girl!!! but i know what you mean, even if i think im fat i dont want someone else to agree! especially my bf :P
@ping: thanks girl! i didn't know 24hr fitness has free enrollment, ill have to check that out!
@lillychantilly: ok thanks for clarifying! i didn't want to suggest an ethnicity and have you get offended or anything :P people always guess wrong with me, korean is the last one they guess....i guess i dont look very korean? i dont know :P
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