Hi everyone, I'm back! Well, for now at least, my bf managed to somehow get my computer working again, but it's still acting up so I don't know how long it'll last. Pray for me :P
So my summer giveaway is officially closed, there are so many entries I can't even begin to count....so please bear with me as I tally them up. Thank you to everyone who participated and welcome to all my new followers! I am hoping to have the winner announced sometime this week so keep checking back.
As for the problems in my previous post, they have cleared up substantially now and luckily I haven't started peeling yet and it doesn't seem likely that I will-yay! Although it is kinda fun to peel your sunburned skin off....ew I know that's gross but admit it, you do it too :P
I have lots of product reviews to catch up on, as well as some other posts I've been meaning to do. Sorry for not responding to all comments or commenting on your blogs, the only access I've had to the internet lately is my bf's Ipod Touch and typing on that thing is hell....but I've been stalking your blogs quietly :)
Unfortunately, my allergies have been driving me nuts for the past 2 days (I just can't catch a break in that department!) and I don't have the energy to put into a decent post, so I'm just gonna leave you with some random FOTD"s and NOTW"s that I found that never got posted.
I think I was going for a more tropical look here
Oh I forget to mention that I dyed my hair back to black-but after seeing this picture I wish it was brown again :(
This color is super gorgeous in real life, it's a light peach with golden shimmer
I'm not really sure if I like this color, it kinda looks like seaweed
I was trying out my Banila lipstick which is a bright orange, but goes on pretty sheer. I love it!

Using my Etude House sparkly polish again over OPI's Skinny Jeans

Totally matches my hand mirror! :P

Well that's all for now, ta ta!

i love the gold eyeshadow! :) you're gorgeous as always. i'm glad your internet is working again - mine's acting up like crazy it's driving me nuts. hope your allergies get better! maybe it will rain and clear the pollen.
I love the look in the first photo. Very summery!
What is the name of that peachy golden n/p?
Glad to hear that you didn't peel from you bad sunburn =]
way kabuki brush are u holding wif ur blue sparkly nails??? n wat pink nail polish brand issit? its a beautiful matte!
xoxo elle
I love the Banila orange lipstick, looks great!
You are so cute =) & you have amazing skin!
Love this look! You are gorgeous! I'm really loving your eyebrows too. :)
@angie: thanks girl! yeah i hate when my internet drives me crazy, which is all the time!!! :P
@junerose: omg i'm so glad i didn't peel! that would have looked so awful :P i think the peachy shade is by Pure Ice which I bought at wal mart, i think the shade is just called peach :)
@with love, elle: the kabuki brush i bought at target, it was just on an end display, i think the brand name is swirl or something like that? they had a pink, purple, and a black one too i think. the pink polish is by nyc and its called greenwich village :)
@chasing cherries: thanks! at first i didn't like it because i thought it might be too bright, but its actually more sheer than i thought. it makes my lips feel tingly too, for some reason :P
@susie: aw thanks! but seriously, my skin is not that great! for some reason it looks better in pictures than in real life :P
@tina marie: thanks girl! haha my eyebrows are like my most annoying things to maintain, but i appreciate the compliment! :)
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