I know you guys are probably sick to death of me changing my layouts, banners, etc....what can I say? It's a sickness :P I just get really tired of the same thing all the time, hell you should see how many times I rearrange the furniture in my bedroom! Plus, it's hard deciding on one type of theme because I read so many blogs and there's elements in each one that I thnk are cool or that I want to have on my blog, so I keep changing my mind about what kind of look I want. I was actually thinking about donig a "theme of the month" that way I can change it without you guys chasing me with pitchforks. Or maybe you will anyways. Well, either way, I need your help deciding on a new banner. I think this time I'm going for more of a cleaner layout and banner style, my other ones are kind of too busy and distracting. So let me know what you think!

Last one is my favorite! your makeup and your face looks perfect and i really like the colors. :)
the first one is so hot! it's really clean and new age to me :)
thanks girls! i'm having so much trouble deciding! i may end up combining the two or something...thanks for voting! :)
i love the 2nd one!!! :) :)
i like all of them, kinda futuristic ^^v
xoxo elle
thank you, haha too bad i didn't end up using them, but thanks for your input! :)
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