I've been meaning to review these for quite some time now, as I bought these over 2 months ago...I know, I'm so behind on my reviews! :( But I think I am finally able to catch up now, so there will probably be lots of reviews coming soon-yay!
I first spotted these at....CVS, I think? At first I didn't pay much attention to them because I didn't really want to shave my eyebrow area, but then Nymphette did a video I think and she totally sold me on them (she has a habit of doing that, she's such a bad influence! But in a good way :P)
So after I watched her video, I decided to try them, but as luck would have it, everytime I tried to find them they were sold out! I finally found them at Rite Aid for approximately $4.99 for a pack of 3.

Basically they are used for the eyebrow area to clean up any stray hairs around or in between brows, or you can use them in other places, but I haven't tried any other areas yet.

They come in a pack of 3 assorted colors with a protective cap that fits tightly over the blade. The handles are contoured slightly to give you a better grip.

Sorry this picture is not very clear. The blade is very thin and sharp enough to get rid of stray hairs, but not sharp enough to actually cut you. That being said, I wouldn't really recommend you playing around with it near your eyeballs or anything, or threatening someone with it :P

I don't have a recent picture of me after using it, this is my most recent picture after I did my eyebrow tutorial. This picture makes my brows look flawless, however in real life if you get really close you can still see the roots ever so slightly. That is entirely expected since it does not pull the hair completely out, but just cuts off the hair above the surface of the skin.

Some people might be a little hesitant to use these, just based on their opinions that shaving makes your hair grow back faster, thicker, and darker. I don't think my hair grew back any faster or darker, but for some reason it did feel like it grew back a little thicker, but not so much to where it made me look like a caveman, and if anything it just made it easier to tweeze. When using these above the eyebrows I shave downwards in the direction of the hair growth, but when I use them beneath my brows I shave in the opposite direction of the growth, and turn the razors vertically to fit the head directly beneath my actual brow. This might be kind of confusing, let me know if you want a video review in case you are still confused.
My overall thoughts:
I think these are a great way to clean up any unwanted hair, but don't try shaving your entire brows or anything like that! Since it is a sharp object, it does tend to remove a bit of skin when shaving, just like a regular razor does, kind of like exfoliating I guess :P If you have sensitive skin these might irritate it a bit, so I wouldn't suggest using these right before an important event or picture taking, because your skin will probably look a bit red. However, it doesn't last very long so don't be alarmed! I just apply a bit of moisturizer afterwards and I'm good to go. You will have a bit of stubble when the hair grows back, but like I said, not enough that is super obvious (unless you have really thick hair or don't keep up on it). I wouldn't recommend replacing your tweezers with these, only use sparingly on hair that you cannot easily remove with tweezers, or super fine hairs.
Rating: 3.9/5
Pros: good alternative to waxing, easy to use, inexpensive
Cons: creates stubble, can irritate skin, doesn't get down to roots
Would I repurchase? Probably, but I'm not going to replace my tweezers with these

Disclaimer: This product was purchased by me and therefore I am entitled to express my own opinion about it. This review is based on my personal experience with the product, everyone may have a different reaction, so please use your own judgment when trying new products.
yeah i just bought some brow razors from walmart. i thought i would love them but i don't :( i hate the stubble - it was much better when i tweezed haha
great review :D
I've always seen these eye bro razors around but never knew anyone who's tried them. Sounds pretty cool though I propabl won't ever try it. Like you I have sensitive skin and the idea or "shaving off skin" doesn't sound pleasant. {*hehe} I got my eyebrows waxed once and the whole area was pink for the rest of the afternoon. I think it didn't go away till 4-5 hrs later. Horrible!
I don't think your hair grew back thicker. It probably feels that was because you shaved it. You basically cut the hair at an angle and at the base where the strand of hair is proabaly thicker than at the tip. When you pluck the hair, it usually takes then whole hair out so when it grows back, it starts all over. The top/ tip of the hair is probably thinner and won't seem as thick.
BLAH. I hope that made sense. I can't reread what I wrote because I'm on my phone at work. {*mwuahaha!} I'm sneaking in a little blogging.
<3s Serena.
good review on these it makes me want to go pick them up now and give it a try since even after plucking i still have unwanted tiny hairs in some areas.. thanks for the review :)
you know i only jus heard about using those the other day and its genius you get sch a better cleaner sharp finish!!!
i was always afraid to use those!!! now might try them!!!
I've been meaning to try these small razors out for my eyebrows! Thanks for the review :)
definitely grab hidden treasure if you ever see it! it's like an endangered species by now hahahaha!
your welcome girls! but please try at your own risk, i dont want anyone hurting themselves! :P
@serena: that's a really good point, i never thought about that! thanks girl! lol, that's true blog addict right there :P
@angie: what's hidden treasure? sorry, but i don't know what you're talking about! were we talking about it? :P my memory sucks!
fast and clean, but i still prefer to pluck em off. :)
wow you got nice brows! I would love to learn how to trim my eyebrows with those razors. Currently I'm using scissors and sometimes it gets so uneven lol
@stephanie: yeah i prefer to pluck still too, but these are just great for cleaning up any stray hairs :)
@popchampagne: thanks girl! yeah brows are so frustrating huh? i wish i had naturally nice brows bc mine piss me off so much! :P
@anonymous: i'm not really sure what you mean, are you talking about following my blog and i'll follow you back?
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