Bronzed Babe Summer Giveaway!!! (Contest Closed!)

Well, it's that time of year again to break out the SPF, flip flops, and that tiny bikini you've been dying to wear (or in my case, time to start working my butt off so that I can at least wear it by the end of summer!).  However, I'm sure you'd all love to go to the beach looking nice and bronzed right? Then have no fear, because I am having a



Let's jump in with the good stuff and see the prizes shall we?

N.Y.C has recently come out with some new creme blushes which have been getting rave reviews lately. Which of course means that I had to try them myself. I got these awhile ago but I have been horrible at catching up on my reviews!

These are the new blushes, called Blushable Creme Sticks. The shades I 
got were Big Apple Blush and South St. Seashell

FOTD: Wet N Wild Mega Last Lipstick in Rose Bud

Sorry for the lame title, too tired to think of a creative one :P Here is a my FOTD using the lipstick that I talked  about in my previous post. I love this color! It adds just the right pop of color and makes my whole face look glowy (at least, I think so). On my eyes I have a couple colors from a Revlon Colorstay palette that I got awhile ago (review coming soon!) and on my cheeks is elf Studio blush in Blushing Rose.

Is it just me or does it seem like drugstore products are really stepping up their games lately? It seems like everyone from NYC to Wet N Wild and in between are coming out with better packaging and higher quality products. Now I'm glad that I'm not the type to stick to only department store brands, because there's quite a few things that I've found at drugstores that could beat out a few of the higher priced items you would purchase at Sephora or some other high end cosmetics place.

For example, Wet N Wild has been revamping quite a few of their items, if not all of them it seems. I remember my mom using this brand when I was younger, and when I got older it was probably one of the first brands I tried because it was so affordable. Once I got a little older howeverr, I started to shy away from it because its packaging and products didn't seem to appeal to me anymore and seemed a little juvenile. However, they have recently produced a couple new items that have been garnering quite a bit of attention lately.

These are their new lipsticks, the Mega Last Lipcolors, and the new Mega Last Nail Polish.

Video Review: Favorite Drugstore Mascaras

Here's a review of some of my favorite drugstore mascaras (and a few that I don't like). I didn't have time to do a really thorough review of each one, so if there is one that you would like a more in depth review of, let me know!

P.S. The quality should improve hopefully, I just uploaded it. Is it just me or does Youtube change the colors of your videos and make them look kinda washed out?

New Makeup Storage & Organization Tips (pic heavy again!

I finally got around to updating my storage and organizing my makeup so that it's easier to find things. If you guys read my post a couple months ago, all of my makeup was crammed into one of those plastic storage bins which made it a little hard to find things and organize (if you didn't read it, you can here).
Here is my new makeup area. I actually just moved everything into my bedroom dresser because we really didn't use it for much except storing crap. So I turned it into my vanity area! Haha, the things my boyfriend has to put up with :P
This actually used to be my son's clothing dresser when he was a little baby! But it works great for my stuff now :) I'm hoping to buy a large mirror soon to hang over the top, the other mirror is a little too small for me

I got this plastic vanity organizer at Target for about $13 I believe? I think they have a variety of types to choose from

Gotta have my Hello Kitty close by :P

I keep my rings, bracelets, watches, etc in here. I really don't have that much jewelry. And of course a pic of me and my bf :) That picture frame is actually silver in real life, see what I mean about my camera?

Here's where I hang my earrings and necklaces. If you try this, be sure to use something that you don't mind sticking nails through! A crocheted scarf or shawl works great too because of the holes in the knit

I found these containers at Wal Mart and they were only $1 each! And they each came with two or three to a set - I got all of them for only $5! Great deal :) I found them in the kitchen section, next to the dish racks and utensil holders. If you can't find any like these, jewelry or utensil holders (the long straight ones)  work great, or you can take various sized shoeboxes and cut them down to the sizes you need.

Here is how I organized my makeup in the dresser drawers. Please note that I am not trying to brag or anything about what or how much makeup I have, I'm just trying to show ways you can organize your stuff. Honestly, compared to some makeup addicts, I don't really have that much! Probably because i don't have a job right now, if I did, I'd probably have a lot more :P

So the first drawer holds my blushes, lipsticks, lipglosses, and lipbalms. Why do I have so many lipbalms? Because I am notorious for losing them and I always have to have backups! One time when I was cleaning my room I found 5 that I had lost! Plus, my lips get really dry, I can't live without chapstick or lip balm

Next drawer holds my eyeliners, mascaras, and eyeshadows.

On the other side is my bronzers, concealers, primers, foundations, powders, and highlighters

And the last drawer holds my eyeshadow palettes and gel liners

The middle cabinet holds random face stuff, my hair dryer and straigtener, and nail polishes

Oh, and this isn't makeup, but I found this double hanger at Target that saves room in your closet by adding another level - very convenient. I think it was between $12-24, I can't remember exactly

If you have enough room in your closet, you can invest in some drawers like these or the plastic kind, that way you free up some hangers or room in  your dresser

So there is my new organization. It's nothing too crazy or new, I'm sure you've seen plenty of other people with the same type of organization, but I like it so far, it's a lot better than what I used to have!

How do you guys store your stuff?

San Fran and New Shoes (pic heavy)

So yesterday my bf surprised me with a trip to San Francisco because he knew I've been stressed out lately. He's so sweet <3 However, we're pretty broke right now so we couldn't really do a whole lot and it also decided to rain, even though the forecast said sunny. Stupid weatherman.

Anyhow, we did go to the Exploratorium, Chinatown, and Bloomingdales. But we were on kind of a tight schedule because we only had a babysitter for a couple hours. So most of the trip was fun but kind of hurried and I didn't get too many good pictures, but I'll share some of the better ones with you:

I have yet to actually walk on the Golden Gate Bridge

This was a cool tornado thingy that disappeared when you touched it

Ugh, those poor baby could actually look into a magnifying glass and see their heart beating! Gross! I couldn't bring myself to look though

I was seriously regretting wearing those boots by the time we were done, my feet were killing me!

There were these cool xylophone type things set up, I was rocking out on one and my bf was on another...then some lady interrupted us :P

This is a real brain that's been plasticized. Yum.

This builiding is so pretty but it's under renovations so we couldn't go in.

I love the buildings in San Francisco, they're all so unique looking. Haha, people kept catching me taking pictures of their house as we drove by...I'm such a tourist :P

This place had some great Asian products, but the saleslady was stalking me the entire time and made me feel really awkward so I left without buying anything

This is a little shopping mall in Chinatown, but now most of the stores are closed, it's really sad :(

Cute buildings, love the architecture

I wish my 24 Hour Fitness looked like this building!

Ah...Bloomingdales. Too bad we didn't have time (or money) to really shop. This place is freakin nice though! I always feel out of place in fancy places, like all the salepeople look at me like I don't belong the scene in Pretty Woman. Do you guys ever feel that way?

I wonder if anyone's ever fallen over the railings....sorry, I guess that's kind of a gruesome thought :(

Another pic of me and the bf. Hey, we match!

Shoes I bought. I haven't bought shoes in so long! Probably because by the time I'm done buying clothes and makeup, I have no money left over for shoes. :p

These are so cute! They make my feet look really tiny though! They're surprisingly comfortable

These sandals are awesome, you can't really see the details because of my camera, but they have studs going up the main strap, and chains and more these! My bf says they look hardcore....and hot. Boys :P

Well that was my day yesterday, nothing too exciting but still fun considering he and I haven't had a day alone in who knows how long! We got lost so many times though, the city is so confusing! And the roads are freakin weird to navigate, we never knew if we were in the right lanes or not. But at the end of the day, we had fun just being together, and coming home to my son is always a joy. Lol, I sound so corny right now, but it's true. It's days like those that make all the stress worthwhile.

Hope you all are having great days too!

P.S. Tomorrow is my last final and then I'm freeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Well, until next semester ;P

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What sort of things do you like to collect?

For anyone that knows me, they will know that I am obsessed with Hello Kitty. I seriously will buy any little thing with that adorable cat's face on it! And I won't throw away the packaging either (well depends on what it is). Here is a sample of my collection:

Most of this stuff was given to me as gifts

I love this watch! My sister gave it to me...and several other items in  this picture

A bracelet my aunt gave me, and a bookmark

Another necklace my aunt gave me, and a cellphone charm

Haha, my sister gave me this lollipop about a year ago! But I can't bring myself to eat it :P

Clothes my bf bought me

Eyeshadows from Hot Topic, random package from candy, the purse is from my sister also

I just wanted to mention something that I thought was funny. I've had these eyeshadows for a couple months now and I didn't notice until just now that they are stackable! They have a bottom that has a lip that attaches to the top of another shadow!

Ta-da! I feel so stupid for not realizing this sooner! But I'm glad I did :P

So there is just a little information about something that I like to collect. I actually didn't include everything because I couldn't find everything, but I have more, like slippers, more pj's, a wallet, etc....I know, I'm weird. Some people may think Hello Kitty is juvenile and childish, but I think she is the cutest thing ever and I will never stop collecting her! :P

What sort of things do you guys like to collect? Anything weird or unusual? Share with me!
