Tag! I'm It!

The very lovely ladies, Angie and Nikki, both tagged me for the 8 questions tag that has been floating around blogosphere lately. So without further ado, here we go:

Angie's 8 Questions

Q1. What's the prettiest packaging you've ever seen?
A. Omg, I'm such a sucker  for packaging, so it's hard to narrow it down, but I gotta say Asian cosmetics win hands down in this department. My favorites are probably Jill Stuart and Etude House, both brands have very princessy vibes to their packaging, almost makes me not want to use them in fear of ruining them! Also, YSL has some pretty nice packaging too, I mean who doesn't like gold?

Q2. Makeup shades/colors you love to death and those you avoid?
A. Hmmm...this ones kinda tough. I love pretty much any color, especially vibrant and shimmery ones, but for everyday wear I tend to stick to neutral browns and earthy greens, very boring. However, for brighter looks I love jewel tones that have a lot of shimmer. I tend to avoid pastels though because I don't think they look good on me

Q3. What is a secret talent of yours?
A. Secret talent? How about any talent? Just kidding....um let's see.....I don't think I have any hidden talents, to be honest,  I'm probably the least coordinated and untalented person I know. I'm a pretty good cook though, does that count?

Q4. You just won a million dollars! What do you do with it?
A. Well, first of all I probably wouldn't even get the whole million, I'd probably only receive about half due to taxes. So I'd probably help out any family members or friends that needed it, go shopping a little, buy some necessities, and hopefully have enough willpower to just save the rest. But probably not :P

Q5. Would you rather have perfect skin or a bigger cup size?
A. Hands down, perfect skin all the way! I hate having boobs, honestly I wish I could chop them off at times. I feel like they just get in the way and makes it harder to find cute clothes (well, mine do at least!). Plus, the older I get, the lower they get...not cute!

Q6. Favorite fashion trends or your personal style.
A. I love all sorts of trends so it's hard to pick just one. I love really girly and sheer clothing, but I also love menswear inspired looks and blazers. I also love love love boots! I wish I could wear them all year round, even during the summertime. They can make an outfit look edgy, sophisticated, chic, pretty much anything depending on the style. Plus they hide my fat calves. :P I don't really know what to describe my personal style as, I try to embrace all different trends in some way or another and not limit myself to just one store or brand. My motto is "It doesn't matter where it came from as long as it looks good."

Q7. What are your favorite snacks?
A. Everything! Just kidding, but not really. I love to snack on beef jerky, gummi bears, or chips and really good salsa.

Q8. If you could describe your life philosophy in one word, what would it be?
A. Hmm.....I can't think of just one word, so I'll use more:
"Change is Good"

Okay, now for Nikki's 8 Questions:

Q1.) Who are your biggest influences/ inspirations?
A. I'm going to have to say that my son and my boyfriend are my biggest influences in my life, as cheesy as that may sound. My son makes me want to reach my goals in order to give him the best life possible, and my bf is so supportive and such a good hearted person that he makes me want to be a better person.

Q2.) What are you most insecure about?
A. My physical appearance. Sometimes I just can't help but compare myself to people who I think are extremely beautiful and wish that I looked like them....and also my age because I feel like I haven't accomplished anything worthwhile this far in my life, and compared to others my age that have, it gets me down sometimes.

Q3.) If you were given the chance to marry anyone you want in the world, who would it be?
A. My boyfriend :) But fantasy wise, Johnny Depp for sure. I mean come one, have you seen his cheekbones?

Q4.) What would you chose, money or love? & why?
A. Love. Because the old saying is true, money can't buy happiness, and when you have all the money in the world and no one to share it with, what's the point of having it?

Q5.) Who is your favorite fashion designer?
A. Oh geez, like I can name just one! I'll name a couple: Chloe, Badgley Mischka, Balenciaga, Zac Posen, Collette Dinnigan, D&G....the list goes on and on

6.) What do you think of fashion, in general?
A. Fashion is my obsession. Period.

Q7.) What is your own perception of beauty?
A. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is so true, because what may be beautiful to one person could be hideous in someones else s' eyes. I try to keep my own opinions about beauty, and not agree with others just because everybody else thinks something is beautiful. 

Q8.) If you were to die today, what is something important you want to do before you die?
A. Visit my mother and sister in S. Korea for the first time :)
There you go!

Okay here are my 8 questions:

1. What is your favorite type of outfit (to wear or to fantasize about)?
2. What is something you dream about doing but don't think you'd actually ever do in real life?
3. When did you start becoming interested in makeup/fashion?
4. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
5. How do you describe your personality?
6. What celebrity has the best style and who needs a style makeover?
7. What do you tend to spend the most money on and why?
8. How would you describe your perfect day?

The 8 people I tag are:

Have fun girls!

P.S. Please be sure to check out my new fashion blog and follow it! :)
Fashion Bag 411


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